I can't believe we have had Maisie for nearly one week. It seems like she
has always been part of our family.
She is so smart, and sometimes it is to our detriment. She loves to find
sticks & go off to chew on them. Our first Irish Setter cut is throat on
one and since then they are a no, no. Maisie has only had a couple of
accidents in the house. I'm not to sure it is not the medicine she is
taking that is causing this.
She follows me everywhere and never seems to get enough loving, which is
fine with me! She is now sleeping through the night, and spooky as it may
seem, sleeps where Joy used to sleep - on the top pillow. She eats
like a champ.
Maisie wants to be friends, in the worst way, with Lucky, but his deafness
keeps him distant from other dogs. He does allow her to jump all over
him, but he still doesn't respond to her. Our cats keep away from her,
but as I told you, they are that way.
She & I go for long walks at least twice a day, but her favorite thing is
to help me weed. She puts her nose down and the minute the weed comes out
of the grass she is on it. She runs off to try and chew on it until she
sees me pull another.
Tom just wants to know where the quiet one went!! Maisie is
everything I wanted & then some.